Testing Your Integration with Volt Insights: Help & Tips

Testing Your Integration with Volt Insights: Help & Tips

When you’re ready to test your integration with the Volt Insights UI, below are some important things to be aware of and some quick ways to test the data you’ve sent is present in your account. 

Verifying Data by Date

When logging into your account and viewing the Dashboard page you may see a screen and message that says, “No data to display for the date range selected.” Change the date range using the date picker above to when you expect data to be available.

If the date in the date picker does not align with the “created at” timestamps for your test messages during integration setup, you will see the message below. Continue to Using Date Picker section for more details.


Using Date Picker

When selecting a date range in the date picker, you should select a date range that corresponds with a required data field called “message_created_at”  that has been sent as part of the request body to the Volt Insights webhook URL when completing the integration. This field is the date and time you sent the message to your provider, not the date and time you send the data to Volt. We use this timestamp to better correspond with the date and time your messages are sent each day and to help you more closely monitor delivery metrics as messages occur.

Example required field (as described in developer documentation)

Tip: Be sure to pay attention to the date and time selected in the date picker when choosing a range.

Test for all data sent within a date range

Make sure you know the specific “message_created_at” date and time range of all the messages you’ve sent as a test, then select that date and time range in the date picker and press the “Refresh Dashboard” button.

Next, use the Message Details & Logs card on the Dashboard to download the CSV file for Total Messages (In/Out). This should provide you with a CSV containing all messages to verify they are present with the correct “message_created_at” date as well as other fields of data. Other graphs in the UI will also reflect the total volume of messages in and out; however, this is the easiest way to ensure the data was received by Volt.

If any data is missing, please reach out to your contact on our engineering team for help or contact support at help@textvolt.com.