Send an SMS message with the Volt GraphQL API

This article walks step-by-step through sending an SMS message using the Volt GraphQL API.

We strongly suggest using a GraphQL client library in the language of your choice when interacting with the Volt GraphQL API. Using a GraphQL client library will make it easier to take advantage of static typing, API schema introspection, and other features that let you quickly and reliably build into the Volt GraphQL API. For more information, check out What is a GraphQL client and why would I use one?.


First, ensure that you have access to the data necessary for utilizing the Volt GraphQL API:

  1. Have your Volt GraphQL API access token readily available. If you are unsure of where to locate your API token, contact

  2. To send an SMS message using the GraphQL API, you will need to specify the sending and receiving phone numbers, the message content, and a publicly accessible URL for media (if sending MMS).

A phone number can only be sent from if it belongs to your organization. If you are unsure of which phone numbers belong to your organization, log in to Volt or contact

To ensure that phone numbers can be processed correctly by Volt, ensure that any phone numbers are formatted according to the E.164 standard. For example: (555) 555-0123 should be formatted as +15555550123.

Next, use the necessary data to send a message using the GraphQL API. For example, if you want to send an SMS message with the sending number +15555550123 and the receiving number +15555550145, construct a GraphQL API request:

  1. Set the Authorization header to the value Bearer <token>, replacing <token> with the API access token belonging to your organization.

  2. Construct a GraphQL query using the createMessage mutation:

    mutation createMessage ($to: String!, $from: String!, $body: String!, $media: [String!]) { createMessage (to: $to, from: $from, body: $body, media: $media) { id legacyId toNumber fromNumber status statusDescription media body sentAt confirmedAt } }


  3. Construct a JSON object containing the GraphQL variables for the query created in the previous step:

    { "to": "+15555550145", "from": "+15555550123", "body": "Your One Time Code is 654312\n\nReply STOP to opt-out.", "media": [] }

    Note: to send an MMS message, set the media variable to a list of publicly-accessible media URLs corresponding to the media you wish to send. Supported file types are: JPEG, PNG, GIF, VCF (vCard).

  4. Send a POST request to with the GraphQL query and variables in the request body. We recommend using a GraphQL client library in the language of your choice to construct and send GraphQL API requests.

    For example, to send the above GraphQL request using curl:

    curl --location --request POST '' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data-raw '{"query":"mutation createMessage ($to: String!, $from: String!, $body: String!, $media: [String!]) {\n createMessage (to: $to, from: $from, body: $body, media: $media) {\n id\n legacyId\n toNumber\n fromNumber\n status\n statusDescription\n media\n body\n sentAt\n confirmedAt\n }\n}","variables":{"to":"+15555550145","from":"+15555550123","body":"Your One Time Code is 654312\n\nReply STOP to opt-out.","media":[]}}'


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Examples by Language

These code snippets exhibit examples of sending SMS using the GraphQL API without using a GraphQL client library.

We strongly suggest using a GraphQL client library in the language of your choice when interacting with the Volt GraphQL API.

In addition, we suggest using a pattern of retrying requests with exponential backoff. While Volt strives to ensure all services achieve 99.99% availability, transient failures are inevitable with any service. Retries allow clients to survive these random partial failures and short-lived transient failures by sending the same request again. Most common HTTP libraries include the ability to retry requests as a built-in feature.





JavaScript (Node)




Unix shell (curl)